Galaxy Destroyer and Galaxy Destroyer Lite 1.1.1 Released

Submitted by kyru on Tue, 12/07/2010 - 16:57

A new version of Galaxy Destroyer is up on the Android Market. The main change is that I've made the star info screen in-game scale for smaller screens. I realized it looked pretty bad on small screens, hopefully now it is easier to play.

The same change is in Lite as well as 3 additional galaxy levels. I added 3 levels because I've also made Lite ad-supported and wanted to make sure there was more content there to go with it. This puts a total of 5 levels in the free ad-supported version and 16 levels with the random level generator in the full version.

Orbital Defense 1.1.0 and Matchmaker 1.1.1

Submitted by kyru on Mon, 12/06/2010 - 11:05

I've updated both Orbital Defense and Matchmaker on the Android Market.

I'll start with Matchmaker since it received only a small update, I fixed the main screen to work on smaller screens better and enabled SD card install on Android 2.2

Orbital Defense received a large update with a number of improvements and new features. To start with I fixed scaling of graphics on smaller screens, added destroyed unit graphic, and enabled install on SD card for Android 2.2. I've also updated the main screens to make the presentation better.

Orbital Defense update on the way

Submitted by kyru on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 14:24

Over the weekend while at home for Thanksgiving I had some ideas for Orbital Defense that I am working on implementing. I have a new satellite that will replace the Reverse satellite, some graphics changes to make it look better, I'm looking at adding sound, and plenty more changes.

I think this will be a good update that people will like so stay tuned, I hope to have it out later this week or early next week.

Galaxy Destroyer 1.1.0

Submitted by kyru on Mon, 11/22/2010 - 15:29

I've put up version 1.1.0 of Galaxy Destroyer and Galaxy Destroyer Lite. I've added the ability to save and reload a single game. Basically if you save a game you can reload it and play it until you finish it at which point it is removed from the save. If you want to save another game while a previous save still exists it will ask if you want to overwrite the previous save.

Galaxy Destroyer Coming Soon

Submitted by kyru on Mon, 11/01/2010 - 16:38

Galaxy Destroyer is coming along really really well. Right now I just have a few things left to finish on it, though one of those is level design which will take some time. All the gameplay and stat saving is in place though so I'm coming pretty close to being able to release it. I figure if I keep at it everyday I should be able to have it out on the Market late next week.

Matchmaker 1.1.0 Update

Submitted by kyru on Thu, 10/21/2010 - 13:10

The update for Tile Slider is now out, and I've renamed the game Matchmaker, it just seems like a better name. I've also updated the graphics a bit and made moving tiles around a lot smoother. I also switched the game to be ad-supported much the same way Orbital Defense is, just an ad on the main screen, nothing in the actual gameplay.

Let me know what you think, I'm always interested to hear what people think of my games.

Name change to Matchmaker
Added tile graphics
Made ad-supported
Made tile movement smoother

Orbital Defense 1.0.5

Submitted by kyru on Tue, 10/05/2010 - 02:21

I'd heard some complaints about Sentry satellites, people don't seem to like that you can place one down only to have a random meteor immediately come along to destroy it. Do combat that I've modified Sentry satellites to attack anything that is going to collide with it first and then focus on any other close satellites.

I've also been concerned about the difficulty so I just made one slight change on that end and increased the speed of small meteorites. That's just a start, hopefully I'll have more in that vein coming up.