Chipper Update v1.4

Submitted by kyru on

Several weeks ago a new update for Chipper went out.

The update added a bidding help button to the main game as well as a standalone Bid Helper that allows you to select 6 cards and see bid estimates for that hand. Also updated the bidding algorithm to lower No Trump estimates, you should see AI bidding of No Trump go down significantly.

Chipper Update v1.3

Submitted by kyru on

I sent an update to Chipper up to the Play Store today. It fixed several issues, changed some things, and added one nice new feature.

The new feature is a Quick Play button when you are passing on a hand, it speeds up the play of the AI players so you don't have to wait as long to get to the next hand. This can speed up gameplay a great deal and get you back into the game even faster then before.

Full changelog is on the game page here.

Chipper Released

Submitted by kyru on

I just today put out my latest game: Chipper. Chipper is 4 person trick-taking card game that is largely played in the region I grew up around west-central Wisconsin. If you are not from there this game probably isn't that interesting, but give it a try anyways.

I've wanted to make a game for this for a long time, with many aborted efforts over the years. I finally buckled down and got it done for Android. The AI was the funnest part to write for it simply because getting it to bid and play correctly required going over how I play myself.

I wanted to get a version out now so that I have something out there. Future versions will hopefully add more features included saving and resuming games in progress as well as more variety in the ability of the AI to play the game.

Chipper is available for free on the Google Play store

Long Time No Post

Submitted by kyru on

I haven't posted any updates in a long time, mostly because I haven't been working on any new games lately. I have some ideas I'm going to start working on soon I hope so perhaps more will be forthcoming. In the mean time check out my existing games, tell me what you think of them and hopefully enjoy!

Removed Apps from the Amazon Appstore

Submitted by kyru on

I've removed all kyrutech apps from the Amazon Appstore. The more I read about their policies the more I disliked them. I already wasn't updating any of the apps up there but I got an e-mail today about incompatibility with the Kindle Fire and I thought it was time to take them all down.

All my apps are still and always will be available on the Android Market.

Calcutron v1.1.0 - Added Random mode

Submitted by kyru on

I've released Calcutron and Calcutron Lite version 1.1.0 onto the Android Market today. The big change is that in the full version I've added Random mode. In Random mode each equation you make will use a different function randomly, you will have to check the entry button to see what you are using. It mixes up the gameplay a bit and so far seems fun to me.

Since I've added a new mode to the full version I decided to open up Subtraction on the Lite version, giving you access to Addition and Subtraction for Timed and Clear gameplay.

Calcutron Released

Submitted by kyru on

Calcutron and Calcutron Lite are released on the Android Market. The lite versions contains only the timed addition and clear addition game modes, the full version contains addition, subtraction, multiplication and division game modes in both timed and clear game types. The lite version is free and the full version is $1.00.

Orbital Defense v1.1.5

Submitted by kyru on

I sent out a small update for Orbital Defense today, the satellite graphics have always been a little uneven and weird so I cleaned them up. I also replaced the appropriate images in the instruction screen.

In other news, I'm hoping my math game, Calctutron, can come out early next week. I have it out for testing with a few folks and I am hoping to hear good things.

Updates all around

Submitted by kyru on

Updates are out for all of my games this week, Matchmaker v1.1.2, Orbital Defense v1.1.4, Galaxy Destroyer v1.1.6, Wordel v1.0.2 and Speeder v.1.0.2.

The update really only does 2 things, first since Google has taken over AdMob they've released several updates for the ad libraries so all my demo and lite versions required updates to work as best as they can.

Speeder 1.0.1

Submitted by kyru on

It has only been a day but I found some good things that needed to be updated after going over the game with some others.

I found out the in-game pause button was not obvious so I've labeled it, I also found out on some screens the rocks and wrenches weren't very noticeable as well so I've tweaked those graphics to hopefully show up better on the road.